Yesterday I was blowing bubbles with my gum because Aidyn was asking me too and I noticed Kaysen was was almost nap time so I figured that was his problem. First off, I was just blowing the bubble...NOT popping them!! So there was no loud noises that was freaking him out. When I had to carry him into the house from the car I blew another bubble for Aidyn and Kaysen literally cringed away from me and started screaming!!!
I was like..ok...well I showed him I threw away the gum, and he still wouldn't come near me. So I picked him up to show him that there was nothing in my mouth. Nope, he just started screaming and crying again. I decided to lay him down at that point thinking he's just tired.
When he wakes up from his nap he still won't come near me. Marc comes home and he is stuck to him like glue. Wouldn't even sit in his chair for dinner because it was near me. He wouldn't even look me in the eye, if he did he started crying all over again and clinging onto Marc! This went on until he went to bed. It literally broke my heart that I couldn't give him kisses for bed. :(
Luckily he woke up just fine this morning. All happy again.
But I've learned that I can't chew gum in front of him again. I don't want a repeat!
Craziest thing I've ever seen!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Ladies Alive Weekend-24 Day Challenge
Ladies Alive was amazing!!! I have to say it went far beyond my expectations! It was also very nice to have my two best friends there with me to enjoy the experience! It inspired me so much, AdvoCare is definitely our future.
I'm already planning on next year! :) I'm so excited that next year I will be inviting MANY MANY more women much earlier, get a few hotel rooms so we can all go!! I want all of my friends to be able to experience this with me! Even if they're not into the business because I know they will still enjoy their selves.
I'm already planning on next year! :) I'm so excited that next year I will be inviting MANY MANY more women much earlier, get a few hotel rooms so we can all go!! I want all of my friends to be able to experience this with me! Even if they're not into the business because I know they will still enjoy their selves.
I wanted to share my most recent progress picture!! And both Amanda and Nicole's pictures before and after doing the 24 Day Challenge. I promise it will change your life!!!
Nicole lost 5.6lbs and 17inches!
Amanda lost 16lbs!!!!!!!
This is not my challenge photos, it's just my progress so far!! I have lost a total of 39lbs so far!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Ladies Alive
I am SO excited that this weekend is Ladies Alive!!!!!!!!!!
I have been waiting for this weekend for awhile now. All us ladies get a weekend away, how exciting is that?! We will be staying at the Hilton Hotel YAY!
My very good friend Nicole(TaTa) will be coming with me, and my very good friend Amanda will be flying in to come as well! I am so happy to spend this weekend with these two wonderful ladies!
Remember, I do have spots in our room open if you want to join!! Just let me know!!
I have been waiting for this weekend for awhile now. All us ladies get a weekend away, how exciting is that?! We will be staying at the Hilton Hotel YAY!
My very good friend Nicole(TaTa) will be coming with me, and my very good friend Amanda will be flying in to come as well! I am so happy to spend this weekend with these two wonderful ladies!
Remember, I do have spots in our room open if you want to join!! Just let me know!!
Quick Update
I really need to keep up with my blog more, but it's hard to when I know I don't have very many followers share my page!! Please?! :)
Anyways, lately lots of things have happened. My little boy turned 7 years old!! Can't believe he's getting so big so fast!!! He also joined the cub scouts! :) He loves that so much!
That's him at the birthday party!
We also got to enjoy Halloween!!!
Anyways, lately lots of things have happened. My little boy turned 7 years old!! Can't believe he's getting so big so fast!!! He also joined the cub scouts! :) He loves that so much!
That's him at the birthday party!
We also got to enjoy Halloween!!!
This is my boys Halloween costumes! They had a blast!!!
My husband and I (and a friend who's not in this photo) got to enjoy an adults Halloween party! We had so much fun!!!!!!
Kaysen is getting so big but with that he's getting an attitude. LOL! The picture below shows what I mean. He just wasn't happy with having to pose for a picture with big brother.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness
Most people are not aware that October is the month to remember Pregnancy and Infant Loss. It's also the month for Breast Cancer Awareness, which is VERY important as well. But I have not seen this awareness on the news or tv anywhere. People should know this!!!! So I try to pass it on to people, I am blogging, texting, Facebooking, and Tweeting the picture out!
I am a mother of two healthy baby boys. Everyone knows that, heck just look at my page haha! But not many people(only those close to me) know that I have had two painful and heart breaking miscarriages. One was almost a year after Aidyn was born, and the other was over a year before Kaysen was born. After those two miscarriages I was so worried I wouldn't be able to carry another child. I got pregnant with Kaysen and at one point I was told that I was going to miscarry again. But I put myself on bed rest, had many complications during the pregnant, but Kaysen is alive and well, he will be 2 years old in December! Honestly there isn't a day that goes by I don't catch myself thinking and wondering "What if those babies were born?" I still haven't figured out why they were taken from me but I know God must have had a purpose. I just tell myself that I need to trust in Him.
I would like you to go over to the link I provided below. This is a blog that I'm sure many have seen. Kellie Staats and her husband lost their dear daughter Maddie on February 17, 2011 due to SIDS at just 4 months old. I had read her blog right after Kaysen had turned 4 months old(they're only bout 2 months apart in age) and I caught myself crying, then constantly checking on Kaysen while he was sleeping. But I was glad I read her story because it taught me so much about how I could prevent SIDS. I read through all of her tips on prevention and put them to use. I no longer kept stuffed toys in his crib, or blankets, and many other things. I would like everyone to send their prayers to Kellie and her husband, especially since Maddie's 2nd birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks. I know this time must be especially hard for them. Kellie, please know your family is always in our thoughts and prayers.
If you would like more information on SIDS please visit her blog!!! And send her your love and prayers please.
To anyone else who has lost a child, pregnancy, or infant I will be praying for you all!
On October 15th I will have 4 candles lit. 2 for my two angels, 1 for Maddie, and 1 for the world's loss.
I hope you all do the same.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Me in a dress?! What?!
YEP! This is the first time I've been in a dress since my wedding..that's 3 years ago!!! Thanks to all my hard work, AdvoCare products and the support of all my friends and family I am down 34.6lbs! I still have a ways to go before I hit my goal though, but I know I can do it!!!
My goal is to lose 43.8 lbs before that ball drops on New Years Day!!!!!!! :) You think I can do it?!
I love challenging myself and I would love it if someone joined me in this weight loss! Let's do this together!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My goal is to lose 43.8 lbs before that ball drops on New Years Day!!!!!!! :) You think I can do it?!
I love challenging myself and I would love it if someone joined me in this weight loss! Let's do this together!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 day challenge,
cedar hill,
goal weight,
healthy eating,
herbal cleanse,
new years,
new years day,
weight loss,
yay. sleepworks
It's Going Well...
I am on day 14 of the 24 Day Challenge and it's been going well! I have been feeling much better and healthier! I can't wait until the 25th day so I can finally remeasure and reweigh myself!!!!
Since Aidyn has been sick I haven't been able to get to the gym in over a week! Which totally sucks! But last night my Zumba instructor Tamika had thrown a Zumba Jam, and my husband was home in time for me to go! I was so excited! But, I should've known better lol! After not working out for a week, doing 2 hours straight of Zumba was exhausting!!! I really don't know how I made it through the whole thing! I woke up this morning in so much pain! I started walking and looked like an old lady haha!
I have this problem of trying to fall asleep, and once I do I toss and turn ALL night long! I finally bought some SleepWorks from AdvoCare and it worked like a charm!! I fell asleep so quickly!! Then I slept like a baby and woke up all rested! It was awesome!!!! I suggest all the people who have trouble sleeping get some now!! lol!
If you're interested in trying some AdvoCare products to start your new healthy life please go to www. :)
Since Aidyn has been sick I haven't been able to get to the gym in over a week! Which totally sucks! But last night my Zumba instructor Tamika had thrown a Zumba Jam, and my husband was home in time for me to go! I was so excited! But, I should've known better lol! After not working out for a week, doing 2 hours straight of Zumba was exhausting!!! I really don't know how I made it through the whole thing! I woke up this morning in so much pain! I started walking and looked like an old lady haha!
I have this problem of trying to fall asleep, and once I do I toss and turn ALL night long! I finally bought some SleepWorks from AdvoCare and it worked like a charm!! I fell asleep so quickly!! Then I slept like a baby and woke up all rested! It was awesome!!!! I suggest all the people who have trouble sleeping get some now!! lol!
If you're interested in trying some AdvoCare products to start your new healthy life please go to www. :)
Monday, September 10, 2012
24 Day Challenge
Nicole and I have started our 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare! We are on day 2! I am super excited to see how this changes our lives!! After we're done I will be posting our stats and our before/after pictures. So please stay tuned to see those! I won't be weighing my self at all until day 25 lol! I want to be shocked when I see that scale!
Marc had finished the Herbal Cleanse couple of days ago and he had lost 4.5lbs! He also lost a pant size! He is so excited and so happy about that! I am so proud of him! :) Ever since he has been eating a lot healthier and smaller portions. Can you believe that?! I was shocked at first myself! My husband-before the Cleanse- could EAT EAT EAT! LOL! But nope, he started the Cleanse and got himself on a healthier diet. Gah words can't explain how proud I am of him! :)
Because of that it's been a lot easier to make sure I'm sticking to my healthy eating as well. It was really hard beforehand because he'd be bringing home Sonic milk shakes for him and the kids and drink them in front of me lol! But now he doesn't even want anything like that! So that really helps!! I am also glad it means our family is becoming much more healthier!
Usually for morning I'd eat a bowl of cereal because I was too lazy to actually get up and make anything--plus I was never sure what to make! But today I got up and made us veggie omelettes! It was my first time ever to make an omelette so I was nervous but they came out great!! And they were yummy! My husband left for work on a full tummy and smiling! Made me so happy I could do that for him! I know cereal never really filled him up lol!
Ok, that's it for now.
I would REALLY love to see some more of my friends get on the 24 Day Challenge! It will change your lives! You don't have to get on a strict diet, you don't have to eat less, just eat healthier! That's all! And drink lots of water lol! I know ya'll can do this! Also I will be here to help along the way. You need advice, need help, even need reminders I am here!!! Heck I text Nicole daily to make sure everything's going great(she asked me too lol)! I can do that for u too!
If you're interested just let me know!!!
Marc had finished the Herbal Cleanse couple of days ago and he had lost 4.5lbs! He also lost a pant size! He is so excited and so happy about that! I am so proud of him! :) Ever since he has been eating a lot healthier and smaller portions. Can you believe that?! I was shocked at first myself! My husband-before the Cleanse- could EAT EAT EAT! LOL! But nope, he started the Cleanse and got himself on a healthier diet. Gah words can't explain how proud I am of him! :)
Because of that it's been a lot easier to make sure I'm sticking to my healthy eating as well. It was really hard beforehand because he'd be bringing home Sonic milk shakes for him and the kids and drink them in front of me lol! But now he doesn't even want anything like that! So that really helps!! I am also glad it means our family is becoming much more healthier!
Usually for morning I'd eat a bowl of cereal because I was too lazy to actually get up and make anything--plus I was never sure what to make! But today I got up and made us veggie omelettes! It was my first time ever to make an omelette so I was nervous but they came out great!! And they were yummy! My husband left for work on a full tummy and smiling! Made me so happy I could do that for him! I know cereal never really filled him up lol!
Ok, that's it for now.
I would REALLY love to see some more of my friends get on the 24 Day Challenge! It will change your lives! You don't have to get on a strict diet, you don't have to eat less, just eat healthier! That's all! And drink lots of water lol! I know ya'll can do this! Also I will be here to help along the way. You need advice, need help, even need reminders I am here!!! Heck I text Nicole daily to make sure everything's going great(she asked me too lol)! I can do that for u too!
If you're interested just let me know!!!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
More News!!
Marc had finally decided to take the Herbal Cleanse from AdvoCare! He is on day 5 and has lost 3lbs! He hasn't even been working out either due to us being very busy lately lol! I am very proud of him! I am so glad this is working for him. I know it's important for him to clean out his body so when he starts taking different products they will work even better for him!
My two good friends Amanda and Nicole have decided to join me in the 24 Day Challenge after we get paid this next week!!! I am SOOOOO happy and proud of them for making this decision! They will NOT regret it! It will bring them such happiness and make them feel so much better about themselves.
I challenge YOU to take the 24 Day Challenge!!!
My two good friends Amanda and Nicole have decided to join me in the 24 Day Challenge after we get paid this next week!!! I am SOOOOO happy and proud of them for making this decision! They will NOT regret it! It will bring them such happiness and make them feel so much better about themselves.
I challenge YOU to take the 24 Day Challenge!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
You see that pic up there^^^? Yep, that's my clothing! Pretty much my whole closet at that. Since I have lost 30lbs I've been wearing shirts that hang loose and no one could tell I had lost anything and pants that kept falling down! Even my workout pants would start sliding down during Zumba class! So today I decided to go through my closet and get rid of all my BIG clothes! People say NEVER keep your fat clothes cuz then you'll subconsciously think it's ok if you get fat again cuz you'll still have your clothes. Well not me! I am getting rid of them! The only fat clothing I kept were like 2 big shirts to wear around the house on my lazy days! HAHA! You always gotta have something for those lazy days!
Now I need to figure out what to wear til I can get more clothes. LOL! I'll probably go to the thrift store because I don't want to spend lots of money on clothing that won't last long on me. Especially since I'm about to do the 24 day challenge from AdvoCare! I know I'll be losing more!!
I'm still 48lbs away from my goal weight and I WILL make it there soon!! I need to set a goal date as well. Hmm...You guys think I can lose 48lbs before 2013 starts?! I bet I can! That's my goal!
I WILL lose 48lbs BEFORE New Years Day!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Now I need to figure out what to wear til I can get more clothes. LOL! I'll probably go to the thrift store because I don't want to spend lots of money on clothing that won't last long on me. Especially since I'm about to do the 24 day challenge from AdvoCare! I know I'll be losing more!!
I'm still 48lbs away from my goal weight and I WILL make it there soon!! I need to set a goal date as well. Hmm...You guys think I can lose 48lbs before 2013 starts?! I bet I can! That's my goal!
I WILL lose 48lbs BEFORE New Years Day!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Things are Looking Up!
Marc and I have been working a lot harder on selling AdvoCare and I think it will definitely pay off! I've gotten quite a few people very interested in getting products! Tomorrow I get to go to my first mixer! I am so excited! In November I'm going for an event in Grapevine called AdvoCare Ladies Alive 2012! It's ladies only..for a weekend! It's gonna be so much fun!! I'm glad Marc supports me going. He actually pushed me into buying my ticket lol! Can't wait!!
Everyone!! On the 10th I'll be ordering my 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare! It's a great way to jump start your weight loss! Many people have gotten AMAZING results so I can't wait to get started! I am encouraging my friends and family to join me in this amazing opportunity! If you would like to purchase the challenge let me know and I will order one for you!
We can all measure and weigh ourselves and take BEFORE pictures together! Then start the challenge together so we can support each other throughout the challenge. Then at the end measure and weigh ourselves again and take AFTER pictures! It'd be great to see what results we get!
Let me know if you want to join in!!!!
Everyone!! On the 10th I'll be ordering my 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare! It's a great way to jump start your weight loss! Many people have gotten AMAZING results so I can't wait to get started! I am encouraging my friends and family to join me in this amazing opportunity! If you would like to purchase the challenge let me know and I will order one for you!
We can all measure and weigh ourselves and take BEFORE pictures together! Then start the challenge together so we can support each other throughout the challenge. Then at the end measure and weigh ourselves again and take AFTER pictures! It'd be great to see what results we get!
Let me know if you want to join in!!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Do you use AdvoCare?!
Please take a look at our AdvoCare fan page on Facebook! Post your before/after photos and your favorite products!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
School Starts Soon
Yep, my baby starts 1st grade on Monday. So excited yet so sad. I can't believe he is growing up so fast! He is super excited but keeps saying he's going to miss me too much. Aww!! Melts my heart! Last year my husband was the parent that got up every morning to get him ready and drop him off at school. Even though he could still do it this year I decided since Kaysen is older and I have a membership at 24 Hour Fitness it would be great for me to do it this year! YAY! So every day I will be getting up EARLY(anyone who knows me well will tell ya I am NOT a morning person haha), getting myself and both boys dressed, feed everyone, drop Aidyn off at school then head over to the gym with Kaysen to get my daily workout done! I'm actually anxious to start this new schedule! :) I think it will be great for all of us.
On another note, AdvoCare is really starting to pick up for us. No we haven't sold anything yet but we started speaking with one of our advisors and they have been helping us greatly! They will be helping us talk to some people(potential customers and potential distributors). We are so excited to finally really get started with this! If you're interested in becoming a distributor please let me know! We can all start making money together! I do know that the advisor that is helping us is making quite a bit! So that gives us the motivation we need! :)
On another note, AdvoCare is really starting to pick up for us. No we haven't sold anything yet but we started speaking with one of our advisors and they have been helping us greatly! They will be helping us talk to some people(potential customers and potential distributors). We are so excited to finally really get started with this! If you're interested in becoming a distributor please let me know! We can all start making money together! I do know that the advisor that is helping us is making quite a bit! So that gives us the motivation we need! :)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Update on Weight Loss
Yep, that's me. Four months later I am down 30lbs! I did skip a month(so I guess this is 3 months later), which I regret now, but I am proud of myself! I have been eating healthy, exercising, and taking AdvoCare. I still have 48lbs to go until I hit my goal weight. Just wait, it'll totally happen! I can' wait! But I just gotta take it day by day. It's a lot of hard work. Just thought I'd post this so everyone can see. Yes it takes time to get there, don't give up!!!!!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Busy Busy Day
Today has been so, yep you guessed it, BUSY! I was running errands from 11-3, then had to put up groceries, clean the house and pay bills. Now I need to get beautified and cook dinner since I have guests coming over in about 30 minutes! WOW! Hectic right? The best thing is that Aidyn, my oldest, was very polite and well behaved ALL day! I am so proud of him. I just ordered some more AdvoCare products! Ready to get this weight loss back under control! :)
Tomorrow we will be going to the Dallas Farmers Market! Never been and heard it was great! I can't wait to buy some fresh produce! It's always yummier when it's locally grown. Then tomorrow night is...ta da da da...DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!! It seems like forever since husband and I have had a night to just ourselves! :)
Thought I'd update a little, but I gotta go. Like I said, BUSY DAY!
Tomorrow we will be going to the Dallas Farmers Market! Never been and heard it was great! I can't wait to buy some fresh produce! It's always yummier when it's locally grown. Then tomorrow night is...ta da da da...DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!! It seems like forever since husband and I have had a night to just ourselves! :)
Thought I'd update a little, but I gotta go. Like I said, BUSY DAY!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Since I've gotten my membership at 24 Hour Fitness I've been taking Zumba classes. My first class was with Tamika and some of the ladies had told me she was the best. But I still tried the other two instructors as well. Well, they were right. Tamika is definitely the best!!! Her classes have a moderation in dance types and is intense! You leave that class dripping with sweat!!! I LOVE it!!!!!
I've learned a few things about Tamika. She has been featured in the 'O' Magazine!!!! OMG, right?! Also she used to be a cheerleader for the Sacamento Kings NBA Organization! Awesome huh?!
I definitely suggest her classes! You will NOT regret it!!
On that note, I had convinced my husband to join me for 2 Zumba classes so far, and he loves it! So guys, Zumba is not just for girls!! My husband hasn't been the only man I've seen in our classes either. LOL!
I've learned a few things about Tamika. She has been featured in the 'O' Magazine!!!! OMG, right?! Also she used to be a cheerleader for the Sacamento Kings NBA Organization! Awesome huh?!
I definitely suggest her classes! You will NOT regret it!!
On that note, I had convinced my husband to join me for 2 Zumba classes so far, and he loves it! So guys, Zumba is not just for girls!! My husband hasn't been the only man I've seen in our classes either. LOL!
1st Grade
Yep, Aidyn is now a 1st grader. I just finished his registration for school. I can't believe how much he is growing. I still remember his first day of Pre-K!! :(
On that note, Kaysen is almost 2 years old! HOLY CRAP! Before I know it he'll be starting Pre-K! OMG my kids are not going to be babies very much longer!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
On that note, Kaysen is almost 2 years old! HOLY CRAP! Before I know it he'll be starting Pre-K! OMG my kids are not going to be babies very much longer!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
1st grade,
growing up,
Saturday, August 4, 2012
New Healthy Recipes/Tofu Chocolate Cake
I have found an app called Spark Recipes on my iPhone and I am so happy I got it! I highly recommend it for anyone who is trying to eat healthier. The recipes seem so easy and there are so many! It also gives you the nutritional values on each recipe and people give suggestions how to tweak each recipe in their reviews.
Tonight I decided to try and make the Tofu Chocolate Cake. Sounds nasty I know! I thought the same. But I went and got the stuff from our local Sprouts store and made the cake. Turned out YUMMY! A friend, who I told was a regular cake, loved it and didn't even notice a difference. He was shocked when I told him there was tofu in it! LOL! I didn't put icing on it so honestly it looks like brownies. I'm sure tomorrow my kids won't even notice a difference either. I used tofu and a cake mix that was sugar free and gluten free. Yet it still tasted sweet! I will post the recipe below this post. I was a little upset to see that my sister was kind of arguing with me saying there's no way it's healthy since it is cake. Yes it's still starch, BUT it doesn't have sugar, it doesn't have gluten, eggs, oil, etc. It has way less calories as well! So it may not be COMPLETELY healthy but it IS HEALTHIER! My kids love brownies and sweets(who's doesn't right?!) , and I know I'll feel better watching them eat this cake knowing they're not loading themselves up with all those other ingredients. I will post recipes as I try them from now on. I won't be able to start new recipes until next weekend unfortunately since I already did my grocery shopping for this whole week(before I found this app).
Tofu Chocolate Cake:
1 box super moist chocolate cake mix(gluten free)
1-300g block of soft/dessert tofu
1/2 cup water
Mix together tofu and cake mix.
Once mixed add in water and stir until smooth.
Pour into baking dish(will be thick so you may need to smooth it flat with a spatula).
Cook according to directions on the cake mix box, depending on what type of dish you use.
**DO NOT add the oil/egg/whatever else the cake mix box says you need-the tofu takes place of all these!**
Tonight I decided to try and make the Tofu Chocolate Cake. Sounds nasty I know! I thought the same. But I went and got the stuff from our local Sprouts store and made the cake. Turned out YUMMY! A friend, who I told was a regular cake, loved it and didn't even notice a difference. He was shocked when I told him there was tofu in it! LOL! I didn't put icing on it so honestly it looks like brownies. I'm sure tomorrow my kids won't even notice a difference either. I used tofu and a cake mix that was sugar free and gluten free. Yet it still tasted sweet! I will post the recipe below this post. I was a little upset to see that my sister was kind of arguing with me saying there's no way it's healthy since it is cake. Yes it's still starch, BUT it doesn't have sugar, it doesn't have gluten, eggs, oil, etc. It has way less calories as well! So it may not be COMPLETELY healthy but it IS HEALTHIER! My kids love brownies and sweets(who's doesn't right?!) , and I know I'll feel better watching them eat this cake knowing they're not loading themselves up with all those other ingredients. I will post recipes as I try them from now on. I won't be able to start new recipes until next weekend unfortunately since I already did my grocery shopping for this whole week(before I found this app).
Tofu Chocolate Cake:
1 box super moist chocolate cake mix(gluten free)
1-300g block of soft/dessert tofu
1/2 cup water
Mix together tofu and cake mix.
Once mixed add in water and stir until smooth.
Pour into baking dish(will be thick so you may need to smooth it flat with a spatula).
Cook according to directions on the cake mix box, depending on what type of dish you use.
**DO NOT add the oil/egg/whatever else the cake mix box says you need-the tofu takes place of all these!**
Friday, August 3, 2012
Terrible Two's ALREADY?!
OMG! Kaysen has been so hard to handle lately! I swear him and Aidyn decided to switch attitudes. Aidyn has been so easy to deal with and so much better and calm. Kaysen on the other hand has not! He loves to test his limits big time! For example he loves to turn the TV off. He goes up to it and turns it off. I say NO Kaysen! I go get him and sit him on the couch. He gets up and walks over to it and puts his finger right in front of the button and turns to smile at me waiting. I say...NO. Then he presses it!!! UGHHHH!!!!! This goes on over and over!
When he wants something or I have to take something away from him, he squeals...and LOUDLY! Then throws a fit! He will scream and cry and kick his little feet. I'm like WHOA, what happened to my angel?! Everyone who has been around Kaysen knows he's always been so calm and quiet. So this is like day and night. Seriously! He's only 19 months will I make it through the terrible two stage?!
When he wants something or I have to take something away from him, he squeals...and LOUDLY! Then throws a fit! He will scream and cry and kick his little feet. I'm like WHOA, what happened to my angel?! Everyone who has been around Kaysen knows he's always been so calm and quiet. So this is like day and night. Seriously! He's only 19 months will I make it through the terrible two stage?!
terrible two,
terrible twos
24 Hour Fitness
Since I have cancelled Curves, my husband and I joined 24 hour fitness here in Cedar Hill. And we love it! We have been doing cardio, weights, and classes! Today I will be joining their Zumba class! So excited!!!
The best part is they have a Kids Club so I have somewhere to take the kids while I work out. YAY! I really need a workout partner though. I don't get to go very often with Marc so I need someone to come with me!
Today I drank some Slam from AdvoCare and it has me going! I am so energized!!! Also it's YUMMY! Go buy some!
The best part is they have a Kids Club so I have somewhere to take the kids while I work out. YAY! I really need a workout partner though. I don't get to go very often with Marc so I need someone to come with me!
Today I drank some Slam from AdvoCare and it has me going! I am so energized!!! Also it's YUMMY! Go buy some!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Cancelling Curves
:( UGH! My husband got a promotion, which is wonderful, but with the promotion his schedule had changed. With the new schedule and Curves hours I would've been able to go only on Saturdays. That's not worth the monthly charge to me. So, I cancelled Curves. Sadly! I really loved it there. The women were great, staff was nice, and loved the workouts! I had lost about 25 lbs there within only about 2.5 months!!! I do recommend it to anyone! If my husbands schedule happens to change again I might go back. Until then I will be working out at home, and next month I'm going to look into the 24 hour fitness. Mainly because they have day care so I could go anytime of the day, or even at night!!
I haven't been able to go to Curves for awhile now, and I've been feeling it. For awhile there I felt like I lost my drive. Which has made feel tired all the time again and irritable. I hate this feeling!!! Today I will get back on track!!!! I will be doing another workout when I lay down Kaysen for his nap. Which is in like 5 minutes lol! Wish me luck guys! I need to reach 200lbs!!!!!!
Please make sure to check out my AdvoCare site! I will be ordering more products for myself with our next check. Our products are great and helps keep me energized and motivated! I hadn't been able to buy any for the last couple of months due to us moving into our new home. I think that has to do with me losing my motivation to work out as well. So I will be buying some again soon and it will help so much! Can't wait!
I haven't been able to go to Curves for awhile now, and I've been feeling it. For awhile there I felt like I lost my drive. Which has made feel tired all the time again and irritable. I hate this feeling!!! Today I will get back on track!!!! I will be doing another workout when I lay down Kaysen for his nap. Which is in like 5 minutes lol! Wish me luck guys! I need to reach 200lbs!!!!!!
Please make sure to check out my AdvoCare site! I will be ordering more products for myself with our next check. Our products are great and helps keep me energized and motivated! I hadn't been able to buy any for the last couple of months due to us moving into our new home. I think that has to do with me losing my motivation to work out as well. So I will be buying some again soon and it will help so much! Can't wait!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
That Dreaded Time of The Year
School shopping! THE HORROR!
Today I must go buy school supplies and school clothes for Aidyn. I have not been looking forward to this! What I hate the most is how SPECIFIC the school list is! It's ridiculous!! Please say a prayer for me!
I also hate that his school has uniforms. UGH! I miss the days when I was in school and we could wear regular clothes! That'd be so much more fun to shop for!
Today I must go buy school supplies and school clothes for Aidyn. I have not been looking forward to this! What I hate the most is how SPECIFIC the school list is! It's ridiculous!! Please say a prayer for me!
I also hate that his school has uniforms. UGH! I miss the days when I was in school and we could wear regular clothes! That'd be so much more fun to shop for!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Painting the Room
We finally started painting the boys room! YAY! The ceiling is Outer Space Blue and the wall is Amazon Grey both by BEHR. Right now only thing that's needed to be done is touch ups. I am so excited! We had many people helping! We had Danica, Bobby, Jenifer, Aidyn, and of course Marc and myself. I will definitely put up a picture once it's totally done. Probably be tomorrow though.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Bills, Bills, Bills
I don't know about you but I am so tired of paying bills! Yes I hate spending the money on bills, but I hate actually paying them even more! Sitting here and having to be on the computer or even worse, calling them to make a payment. Totally sucks! Takes out way too much of my time and I hate talking to people I don't know on the phone. (I'm shy lol) But, I am finally done with this months bills! YAY! The rest are auto pay. :) I can't believe I am sitting here talking about bills.
Honestly, I haven't really known what to blog about. Nothing new is really going on with the kids. They just eat and play. LOL! Oh, we did go to a Spray park the other day! It was fun!!! Totally free too!
Honestly, I haven't really known what to blog about. Nothing new is really going on with the kids. They just eat and play. LOL! Oh, we did go to a Spray park the other day! It was fun!!! Totally free too!
boy stuff,
cedar hill,
me time,
paying bills,
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Painting the Boys Room
I am at a loss when it comes to interior designing! I have a plan though. Just not sure if it's a good plan!!! I need everyone's opinion! I was wanting to do a outer space theme. I will have pictures below for you to refer to. I will be putting in the fan below. I want to do the ceiling and the trimming in a dark color(the picture of the room is a Behr app pic, it's just an idea) then the walls a different color. The blue color is what I was thinking for the ceiling. The carpet will be a color matching the ceiling. I will also be putting wall decals on the ceiling, they're glow in the dark solar system decals. Is this a good idea? What should I change? Any ideas?!!!!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Do you LOVE to READ??!!!!
I do I do I do!!!!! I read all the time!!! I started a new blog awhile back that's specifically for my book reviews!!! I'd really love it if you would take the time and visit the site. Don't forget to comment and FOLLOW!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Small Update
Just an update.
The house is coming along, but slowly. Marc's busy work schedule doesn't help in that department.
My kids are growing so big! Aidyn is growing like a weed! Next thing I know he'll be my height! Kaysen is just getting so much smarter. He's learning a few more words, but is so much more social. If that makes sense. Even though you can't understand most he says, he is always trying to talk to you. Makes me smile every time!!!
The house is coming along, but slowly. Marc's busy work schedule doesn't help in that department.
My kids are growing so big! Aidyn is growing like a weed! Next thing I know he'll be my height! Kaysen is just getting so much smarter. He's learning a few more words, but is so much more social. If that makes sense. Even though you can't understand most he says, he is always trying to talk to you. Makes me smile every time!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
End of a Friendship
Sadly today I had to end a long friendship. Things had happened in the past and we got over it and apologized and forgave each other. Well, I had, and thought she had. I recently found out after she got mad at me for something that had nothing to do with me, she started bringing up stuff from the past. Pretty much talking real nasty about me. That really hurt my feelings. Shows me that on her side, our friendship was a complete lie. She has been feeling like this the whole time. Just pretending. I am really hurt right now. I have started to feel close to her, and helped her and her family out numerous times. But in the end I just get burned. I can't be friends with her anymore. Even if she tried, I just couldn't. I'd always be thinking in the back of my mind she's still pretending.
Be careful who your friends are!!!
Be careful who your friends are!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Stepping Up
I am stepping up my game. Making sure I am eating completely healthy again(not just partially) and getting back to my Curves workouts! I forgot how great it feels to workout. I feel more refreshed and energized. For awhile there I was starting to feel lazy again and just so tired. Glad to be out of that rut! I went to Curves the last two nights but I plan on going to Zumba class again tonight. Hopefully my friend will want to, if not it's back to Curves. Either way I will be working out. :) I really need to buy more AdvoCare products. Just haven't had the money to lately but I we will soon. AdvoCare was helping me a lot!!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
My First Zumba Class
Yep, it was my first ever! And it was interesting!! I gotta say Zumba is really fun but its hard work! I am SO sore!!
It's also very hard for people who have no rhythm, like me. LOL! There was booty shaking, body rolling, etc. This white girl CAN'T dance! HAHA! But in the end all that matters is you're moving and sweating. It's definitely an interesting exercise. I do plan on going back Monday. I'm really excited.
Plus I love how it's a small fitness place. Not too many people right now since they just opened. It's called Hip Happenings in Cedar Hill.
People, ya'll need to check it out! I'll put their website and class schedule below. The best part, they're cheap!!!! YAY! They also have kickboxing and boot camp classes.
It's time for me to get back into shape! I've lost over 20 lbs and then stopped working out because of us moving to a house. Life just got busy for me. But that shouldn't be an excuse. So I am getting back on track! I will be going back to Curves 3 days a week and then doing a class at Hip Happenings 2 times a week.
I still have 54 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight!!
It's also very hard for people who have no rhythm, like me. LOL! There was booty shaking, body rolling, etc. This white girl CAN'T dance! HAHA! But in the end all that matters is you're moving and sweating. It's definitely an interesting exercise. I do plan on going back Monday. I'm really excited.
Plus I love how it's a small fitness place. Not too many people right now since they just opened. It's called Hip Happenings in Cedar Hill.
People, ya'll need to check it out! I'll put their website and class schedule below. The best part, they're cheap!!!! YAY! They also have kickboxing and boot camp classes.
It's time for me to get back into shape! I've lost over 20 lbs and then stopped working out because of us moving to a house. Life just got busy for me. But that shouldn't be an excuse. So I am getting back on track! I will be going back to Curves 3 days a week and then doing a class at Hip Happenings 2 times a week.
I still have 54 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight!!
cedar hill,
me time,
weight loss,
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Homemade gifts for Fathers Day
I found this awesome idea for a Fathers Day gift on Pinterest! I was so excited to do this project! But I gotta tell you the one part that I thought was going to be easy turned out to be difficult!! I needed to find lots of different types of candy. I went to probably 7 stores to find all the candy I needed! The most difficult to find was Now and Laters! I couldn't believe how rare it is to find that in a store! It was ridiculous!!!
Anyways, so I made a card for Marc "from the boys". I also bought an extra poster board for Aidyn to make his own "card" for Marc. He is excited to get started on it, which he will be doing in just a moment.
I am going to post a picture of the project I did. Tomorrow I will most likely post a few pictures of Marc getting his "cards" from us!
Anyways, so I made a card for Marc "from the boys". I also bought an extra poster board for Aidyn to make his own "card" for Marc. He is excited to get started on it, which he will be doing in just a moment.
I am going to post a picture of the project I did. Tomorrow I will most likely post a few pictures of Marc getting his "cards" from us!
boy stuff,
dad day,
fathers day,
fathers day card,
fathers day gift,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Uptown Village in Cedar Hill Rant
The "interactive fountain" at Uptown Village in Cedar Hill is something my kids love to go to! I love taking them too! You get to sit at a table with an umbrella for shade and watch your kids run through the fountain. Kaysen has finally gotten old and brave enough where he will run through it all by his self.
I took my kids there this morning to finally get us out of the house! Aidyn goes and immediately starts going through the water. I walk Kaysen in and finally get him used to the water, I turn around to let him play and for me to go sit. All of a sudden the security guard comes up and tells me that Kaysen is too young and too small to be in the fountain. Says that the kids have to be OVER 48 inches to be in the fountain. WTF?! This is new to me!!! So even though I'm upset I get Kaysen out and have him sit with me and play while Aidyn gets to play in the fountain. About 30 minutes later the same security guard comes over and says "Haven't I already talked to you about your child?" I'm like "Yeah, I got him out, see?". He said "No, your other son.". He then proceeds to tell me that the rules are you must be UNDER 48 inches to be in the fountain. Poor Aidyn is 50 inches. He said the rules are UNDER 48 inches or UNDER 10 years old. WTF?! What 10 year old will be under 48 inches?!! Aidyn is 6 years old! He can't help that he's a tall kid!! I then asked why he said that you had to be over 48 inches earlier and made me get Kaysen out. He said that it was a miscommunication. UGH! I then had to tell Aidyn to get out of the fountain. My poor child starts to cry since he doesn't understand why.
To me it feels like like descrimination. People can't help if their young child happens to be tall!
I realized (after the security guard left) that their sign says 10 years and older. Not anything about a height limit. I took a picture of that and will be going to management on Monday to complain.
I couldn't believe that I had to put both my kids through that. My youngest didn't get to play more than 2 minutes in the water and my oldest only about 30 minutes. It's just ridiculous!!!
I just wanted to rant about this since I was upset, also to let everyone around Cedar Hill to know of this problem. This mall has been open since 2008, they should have set and stuck to these RIDICULOUS rules from the beginning! Not spring them up on people 4 years later!
I took my kids there this morning to finally get us out of the house! Aidyn goes and immediately starts going through the water. I walk Kaysen in and finally get him used to the water, I turn around to let him play and for me to go sit. All of a sudden the security guard comes up and tells me that Kaysen is too young and too small to be in the fountain. Says that the kids have to be OVER 48 inches to be in the fountain. WTF?! This is new to me!!! So even though I'm upset I get Kaysen out and have him sit with me and play while Aidyn gets to play in the fountain. About 30 minutes later the same security guard comes over and says "Haven't I already talked to you about your child?" I'm like "Yeah, I got him out, see?". He said "No, your other son.". He then proceeds to tell me that the rules are you must be UNDER 48 inches to be in the fountain. Poor Aidyn is 50 inches. He said the rules are UNDER 48 inches or UNDER 10 years old. WTF?! What 10 year old will be under 48 inches?!! Aidyn is 6 years old! He can't help that he's a tall kid!! I then asked why he said that you had to be over 48 inches earlier and made me get Kaysen out. He said that it was a miscommunication. UGH! I then had to tell Aidyn to get out of the fountain. My poor child starts to cry since he doesn't understand why.
To me it feels like like descrimination. People can't help if their young child happens to be tall!
I realized (after the security guard left) that their sign says 10 years and older. Not anything about a height limit. I took a picture of that and will be going to management on Monday to complain.
I couldn't believe that I had to put both my kids through that. My youngest didn't get to play more than 2 minutes in the water and my oldest only about 30 minutes. It's just ridiculous!!!
I just wanted to rant about this since I was upset, also to let everyone around Cedar Hill to know of this problem. This mall has been open since 2008, they should have set and stuck to these RIDICULOUS rules from the beginning! Not spring them up on people 4 years later!
Friday, June 8, 2012
The House
I apologize for my absence. The move was pretty stressful considering we needed to get some things into working order before we could move in. And some things had to wait til after we were moved in. But everythings good now. We are officially moved into our new house! So exciting!!!!!!! We still have lots of cosmetic work that needs to be done but I don't think it'll take us more than a year to get everything done(thats inside AND outside). We are so excited to finally have a home of our own!
I want to thank all the people that helped us! :) Our good friends Richard, Jenifer, my wonderful mother, and of course my awesome Aunt who gave us the opportunity!
I have lost 22 lbs since I started my weight loss! YAY!
I want to thank all the people that helped us! :) Our good friends Richard, Jenifer, my wonderful mother, and of course my awesome Aunt who gave us the opportunity!
I have lost 22 lbs since I started my weight loss! YAY!

interior design,
weight loss,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
I am so excited to say we are finally moving into a house!! My wonderful aunt is letting us stay in her house until we can buy it from her!! YAY! Which also means that we get to decorate and paint any way we want! I'm just horrible at interior designing lol. I will definitely need some help.
It's been stressful trying to pack and get everything set up for the move. But I am working on it.
I'll take a pic of the house once we get moved in. I'll be putting before and after pics once we start getting things fixed up!
It's been stressful trying to pack and get everything set up for the move. But I am working on it.
I'll take a pic of the house once we get moved in. I'll be putting before and after pics once we start getting things fixed up!
Friday, May 18, 2012
What Are YOUR Opinions?
I've been seeing this Time Magazine cover all over the place!!
What age do you think it's appropriate to stop breast feeding?
I honestly give her props for doing what she thinks is best. But I must say I think it's inappropriate to breast feed after a certain age. I myself would never go past 2 years old. The boy in the picture is 3, almost 4! At this age they start getting curious about body parts. Also, how would they think about it once their a lot older and understand that they were breast fed to this age? Would they embarrassed, or disgusted? Or would they think it was the best choice? Who knows.
I would love to have everyone else's views.
What age do you think it's appropriate to stop breast feeding?
I honestly give her props for doing what she thinks is best. But I must say I think it's inappropriate to breast feed after a certain age. I myself would never go past 2 years old. The boy in the picture is 3, almost 4! At this age they start getting curious about body parts. Also, how would they think about it once their a lot older and understand that they were breast fed to this age? Would they embarrassed, or disgusted? Or would they think it was the best choice? Who knows.
I would love to have everyone else's views.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Baby Fever
No, not "baby fever" as in I want another baby(actually I do get that often), I am talking about my baby has a fever. :( Don't you just hate seeing your little one sick? It makes my heart break. It's so hard to see him so uncomfortable. Thankfully he likes to take medicine so I gave him some fever reducer. I tried to sit him in my lap and rub a cool(cool, not cold) rag on his head and body. He thought it was funny, yet at the same time the most horrible thing ever. Odd huh? He would laugh then start crying and saying "NO!". Weirdo.
I got him cooled down some and by that time it was past his bedtime so I laid him down. I'll be checking in on him before I go to bed to see if his fever has gone down or has spiked.
If you have any great home remedies let me know! I hate taking him to the doctor(but I would if necessary of course).
I got him cooled down some and by that time it was past his bedtime so I laid him down. I'll be checking in on him before I go to bed to see if his fever has gone down or has spiked.
If you have any great home remedies let me know! I hate taking him to the doctor(but I would if necessary of course).
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there! I hope you all got the royal treatment you deserve. :) My husband and kids got me a homemade card(always a favorite), birth stone necklace, and a Betty Boop wallet!! But the best part was spending time with my family!! :)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
So Proud
I have been so proud of Kaysen. He has started to learn so many new things, and in just a week! He has learned to say these, ta-da, drink, moo, grandma. That's a lot in such a short time! He's just getting smarter and smarter! I love him! :)
Again, didn't get official weigh in..starting to think it's not going to happen! Thankfully we move later this month so hopefully the Curves I'll be going to there will do things better. But anyways, I weighed myself on the Curves scale this morning when I got there. It says since I started on March 27, I have lost 14.2lbs!!!! :) That makes me SO happy!!!! Seeing I'm losing more has just motivated me to keep going!!
About AdvoCare: I have finally tried the Slam energy drink. I love it! I have been getting things done today! I'm about to go to my site and order some MNS Max 3!
Go to my site to get yours!!!! :)
About AdvoCare: I have finally tried the Slam energy drink. I love it! I have been getting things done today! I'm about to go to my site and order some MNS Max 3!
Go to my site to get yours!!!! :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Day 10: Herbal Cleanse by AdvoCare
I am DONE! I took the last of the pills and fiber drink this morning! I am so happy that I have achieved getting through the whole cleanse. Don't get me wrong, it's not very hard, it just takes dedication. I have lost 2.5lbs since doing the cleanse. It has also made me feel better! Healthier! I recommend it to everyone! They also give you this chart(below) so you can keep up with it and you won't forget anything. It helped a LOT!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Well the lady at Curves that does the weigh ins wasn't there..again. :( I'm not sure when I'll be able to get my official weigh in!! I may just have to wait til the 2 month mark. Oh well.
Marc is off work today and so what are we doing? House looking! We have got to find a place to move at the end of the month. I really hope we find one today.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Life With Boys
Yep, I am the only girl/woman in my family. I have my husband and 2 sons. It's Sunday morning and they're all playing video games. Well Kaysen is watching(he's only 16 months). I usually forget that I am the only female here but days like this one tend to remind me. :) It's so funny to sit here and watch them. They get so into these games like it's a life or death situation. They sit and yell at the game or banter each other for making a wrong move, or high five each other with big smiles on their faces when they have defeated the horrible monster. LOL! It just makes me laugh. Here I am either on the computer or curled up in my recliner reading a book. It's crazy how you'd think I'd be so bored having to watch a video game but it actually gives me peace. I know they're doing their "guy stuff" and it means they leave me alone! I don't have to hear "momma momma momma"! I get to relax and do my own thing!
More Weight Loss
I get my official weigh in at Curves tomorrow! I am so excited and so anxious! I weighed myself this morning here at home and it says I have lost 12 lbs since I first started trying. I really hope that's what Curves scales say..maybe even less! I take a picture of myself once a month(so far I only have 2 pictures). I know I felt like I was losing weight but I didn't think I looked like I was, but when I saw my first picture compared to my second I was like..WHOA! It's not a major difference but there's definitely a difference!!! I am going to add those pictures here below..but I will say beforehand that I am very self conscious and VERY nervous about posting these pictures. They're pretty embarrassing. So please, understand that I am trying to better myself and maybe that'll keep yourself from laughing at my expense. I started exercising March 27th but didn't think to take my first photo til April 3rd. Every month I will take a new picture and have it compared to the first one so you can see my progress.
Day 8: Herbal Cleanse by AdvoCare
It has been going pretty well. I had 4 days that I didn't have to drink the fiber drink, but I had to drink it again today. Also for the next 2 days. But it's not so bad anymore! I only have 2 more days of this! YAY! I do feel lighter and more energized. Oddly I feel more clean, if that makes any sense.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Veggie Tales
My 16 month old has recently gotten really into them. He just smiles and giggles and bounces to the theme song! I loved watching them with my now 6 year old when he was younger.
I think they'll always be a great classic for children!
How does this make you feel?!
I stole this from another woman's blog....
Follow her...shes amazing!
Anyways, I saw this and just HAD to share it!! WTF?! This video is cute but SCARY! I don't think I would have let my child sit there and just take a video honestly! It would have been way too creepy!!!!
What are your opinions?!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Love of A Child
My husband has been working late the past few nights so the kids have been in bed by the time he gets home. Thankfully today he got off on time and the kids were still up. I couldn't believe the smiles on their faces! My 6 year old starting jumping up and down all excited, and my 16 month old just started squealing and running towards him! I love sitting here and seeing the love they have for their father.
Weighing In
Well the lady at Curves that does the measurements wasn't there :( so I have to wait til next Monday. But I did my own measurements at home with my husband. I just couldn't wait!!! I'm not going to reveal my measurements until Curves does them...not sure if hubby did them correctly. I will say if he did them right then yes I have lost some inches! ;)
But I will tell you first weigh in on March 27 was 278.4.
My weigh in this morning(on my scale, not Curves) was 266.4!! So I know I have definitely been losing weight!!!
I will find out the OFFICIAL weigh in and measurements on Monday and I will repost those..promise!
But I will tell you first weigh in on March 27 was 278.4.
My weigh in this morning(on my scale, not Curves) was 266.4!! So I know I have definitely been losing weight!!!
I will find out the OFFICIAL weigh in and measurements on Monday and I will repost those..promise!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Day 3: Herbal Cleanse by AdvoCare
It's been going great! Within these 3 days I've lost 1.5lbs! I know it's not much but hey I still have 7 days to go!!! The fiber drink wasn't so bad today..u get used to it. The next 4 days I will only be taking pills, morning and night. I'm ready!!
Summer Vacation
Who else is dreading summer? I feel horrible that I am dreading having both kids at home all day long, but school gives me a break! Yes, I still always have one child at home since he's not school age but I still get a break from having both kids at once. I'm going to miss being able to take a nap while Kaysen takes his nap if I want to.
Yet I'm excited for summer break. I'm glad I won't have to keep up with the school stuff and very excited that I'll have more time with Aidyn.
Wow this post really contradicts itself huh? Oh well. :)
Yet I'm excited for summer break. I'm glad I won't have to keep up with the school stuff and very excited that I'll have more time with Aidyn.
Wow this post really contradicts itself huh? Oh well. :)
Fighting for Attention
Lately my 2 boys have been fighting for my attention. They are so jealous of each other it's kind of funny. Sad but funny. I try to spend time with both boys but if one comes to sit in my lap the other has to follow. I can't believe how a 6 year old can get so jealous of a 1 year old..and vice versa!
But they do love each other. It melts my heart seeing them sitting in the big recliner and reading a book together or playing games on the Kindle together. Aidyn can make Kaysen laugh so easily too!
I'm so glad that they have each other. But it makes me laugh to think Kaysen is only 16 months and they already have that sibling rivalry!
But they do love each other. It melts my heart seeing them sitting in the big recliner and reading a book together or playing games on the Kindle together. Aidyn can make Kaysen laugh so easily too!
I'm so glad that they have each other. But it makes me laugh to think Kaysen is only 16 months and they already have that sibling rivalry!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Day 2: Herbal Cleanse by AdvoCare
Last night I took the Herbal Cleanse pills that you take right before bed. They are huge! But I got them down. This morning I drank the fiber drink again. I mixed it with 8oz of orange juice instead of water and it was so much easier to drink!!! Since the mix itself is citrus flavored it tasted like I was drinking orange juice with lots of pulp. :) So it was much better! I'm on my 5th 8oz water right now! I never drank so much water in one day before! I had to make myself a chart and check off my waters as I drink them just to keep up with them all! And to make sure I drink all 8. So far the cleanse has been going good!
<<<<You should buy your cleanse now! Click on my AdvoCare picture on the side of the page and it'll take you to my AdvoCare site!
<<<<You should buy your cleanse now! Click on my AdvoCare picture on the side of the page and it'll take you to my AdvoCare site!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Day 1: Herbal Cleanse by AdvoCare
Let me just start by saying this takes dedication! The fiber drink isn't ideal. Two tips, first: mix it with something other than water second: chug it..the longer it sits the thicker it gets!
I've been drinking lots of water today. Also make sure you eat natural foods such as fruits and veggies!
Here is my link to AdvoCare.
I've been drinking lots of water today. Also make sure you eat natural foods such as fruits and veggies!
Here is my link to AdvoCare.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Beginning at Curves In March
I signed up at Curves on March 26, 2012. Ugh I am going to tell you my stats but please don't laugh.
I weighed in at 278 lbs! My waist size was 52"!
I get weighed in again on Monday so I will update my new stats. I do 3 days of Curves(Monday, Wednesday and Friday) then 2 days of cardio at home(Tuesday and Thursday).
The cardio workouts I do at home are great! I have a Boot Camp app on my iPhone. Also I use Tiffany Rothe's YouTube videos. She is amazing and will work your butt off!
Here is her YouTube link.
Get ready to sweat ladies!! I also just started buying and selling AdvoCare products! Tomorrow I start the Herbal Cleanse. I will let you all know how that has worked out!
Please share your weight loss journeys with me! Keep checking in with me so you can see the results!
I weighed in at 278 lbs! My waist size was 52"!
I get weighed in again on Monday so I will update my new stats. I do 3 days of Curves(Monday, Wednesday and Friday) then 2 days of cardio at home(Tuesday and Thursday).
The cardio workouts I do at home are great! I have a Boot Camp app on my iPhone. Also I use Tiffany Rothe's YouTube videos. She is amazing and will work your butt off!
Here is her YouTube link.
Get ready to sweat ladies!! I also just started buying and selling AdvoCare products! Tomorrow I start the Herbal Cleanse. I will let you all know how that has worked out!
Please share your weight loss journeys with me! Keep checking in with me so you can see the results!
New Weight Loss Story
I have been working out 3 days a week at Curves and 2 days a week at home doing cardio! It has been a month since I've started. I plan on sharing my weight loss story here with you! I am also selling AdvoCare products! Please visit my site and have a look!
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