Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stage 1 Baby Food-Meats

Why in the world do they make baby food meats in a stage 1 jars?!!!! They say you shouldn't be feeding your baby meats until they're at least a year old. And it looks so nasty!!! Also it smells like cat food! Who wants to give that to their baby?! They should just take it off the shelves. I myself will wait to give him meats until he's closer to a years old, and it'll be meat that I've cooked myself. I actually make my own baby food anyways. I don't like the idea of giving my son jarred food that I have no idea what's really being put into it. 

I would like for some people to give their opinion on these meats. Let us know if you give them to your child or not, if you think they look and smell nasty. Just give your opinion!!!! Also, if you make your own baby food as well and have some interesting recipes let me know! I always like to try new things! 

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