My sons father has decided he wants nothing to do with him.
It's been this way for a few years now. My son is almost 6 and it scares me that he's almost the age where he will realize whats going on!
Today he came to me and said he misses his dad and begged me to take him to see him! I just keep saying that his Dad lives far away right now so it'd be hard to go see him. Figured that'd work, but no my son is too smart. He says I can use a map on the computer and it'll show me how to get there. LOL! I'm very lucky that he hasn't asked to call him. I don't think I can come up with a good excuse for that one.
It really sucks that I have to keep making up excuses for his father!!! How is it fair that any parent can just skip out and leave the other not only with responsibility for the child but also the chore of making up reasons that will lead up to have to telling them the truth one day. The parent that wants to leave should have to do that!!! It's not fucking fair!!!!!!!!!!!!
My son has a great step father of course. He also has plenty of people who love him. But, it just hurts me that I've been given the responsibility of telling him his real father wants nothing to do with him. This is horrible to say but at least it was easy for my mother with me. She had only one reason to ever tell me my father wasn't there. He passed away. Not wishing Aidyn's father was deceased, but at least that would've been a good reason for not being here.
UGH it frustrates me so much!! Sorry everyone, just kinda needed to vent a little.
I've always wanted my children to have their father since I didn't have mine.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Date Night
Tonight Marc and I finally had a DATE NIGHT! We have been looking forward to it for so long! It gets hard to get a night out like this since we have 2 kids now.
We went to Applebee's for an appetizer and an early dessert! We just sat and talked for over an hour!!! Finally started to feel our sanity coming back to us!!
Then we went to Walmart to walk around, just us!, and look at some stuff.
Finally we went to our movie!! We saw X-Men First Class!! It was such a GREAT movie!!! A must see! :) It was so great to relax, hold hands, and enjoy a movie together with no kids running around and yelling(or crying)!!
It was wonderful, Marc was even opening and shutting all the doors for me..including the car door! Being the true gentleman he is!
People who have kids but also get to go out EVERY weekend do not realize what a blessing it is to finally have a night with your husband! It's been at least a month, if not more, since we went on a date!
Marc and I have learned to appreciate every moment of alone time we get. Because once you're home all your attention goes to the kiddos! Which I don't mind..I LOVE my boys!!!!!!
I'd like to say thank you to my mother for babysitting my wonderful boys so we could have this night!
Also, I love you Marc!!!! Thanks for such a wonderful night!
We went to Applebee's for an appetizer and an early dessert! We just sat and talked for over an hour!!! Finally started to feel our sanity coming back to us!!
Then we went to Walmart to walk around, just us!, and look at some stuff.
Finally we went to our movie!! We saw X-Men First Class!! It was such a GREAT movie!!! A must see! :) It was so great to relax, hold hands, and enjoy a movie together with no kids running around and yelling(or crying)!!
It was wonderful, Marc was even opening and shutting all the doors for me..including the car door! Being the true gentleman he is!
People who have kids but also get to go out EVERY weekend do not realize what a blessing it is to finally have a night with your husband! It's been at least a month, if not more, since we went on a date!
Marc and I have learned to appreciate every moment of alone time we get. Because once you're home all your attention goes to the kiddos! Which I don't mind..I LOVE my boys!!!!!!
I'd like to say thank you to my mother for babysitting my wonderful boys so we could have this night!
Also, I love you Marc!!!! Thanks for such a wonderful night!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Soul Mates?
Who believes in soul mates?! I did as a child, not so sure if I believe it now that I'm older. I was talking to a friend about this yesterday. She was saying she believes that there's a perfect match for people out there, but she's not sure about "soul mates". I think about it more and look at my relationship with Marc and wonder if we would be considered soul mates. Honestly, I'm not sure. We do have a GREAT relationship, we are a perfect match for each other, we like the same things, we laugh together..a LOT, etc. Would that make us soul mates? :)
Tell me if you've found your "soul mate" or just you're "perfect match". I've added a poll!!
Tell me if you've found your "soul mate" or just you're "perfect match". I've added a poll!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Book Series
I love to read book series!!!!
I'd have to say my FAVORITE series is the Twilight Saga! Who doesn't love the love triangle, the vampires, the wolves?!
Second favorite would be Vampire Academy! You need to check these out! They're making a movie out of the books within the next year also!
Third favorite is The House of Night Series!!! That book is all kind of strange but very very entertaining! There's also love triangles in it!
Fourth favorite is Tiger's Curse series! It's so good!! Humans being cursed to live as a Tiger for hundreds of years!!! Also another love triangle! LOL
Fifth favorite has to be The Morganville Vampires! This series is based right here in Texas! About a town that's ruled by Vampires! Very good! No love triangle, but there is love LOL!!
Yes I know, I love vampire books! LOL!! So what?! Anyways, looks these up and give them a read! Lemme know what you think!!!!!
I'd have to say my FAVORITE series is the Twilight Saga! Who doesn't love the love triangle, the vampires, the wolves?!
Second favorite would be Vampire Academy! You need to check these out! They're making a movie out of the books within the next year also!
Third favorite is The House of Night Series!!! That book is all kind of strange but very very entertaining! There's also love triangles in it!
Fourth favorite is Tiger's Curse series! It's so good!! Humans being cursed to live as a Tiger for hundreds of years!!! Also another love triangle! LOL
Fifth favorite has to be The Morganville Vampires! This series is based right here in Texas! About a town that's ruled by Vampires! Very good! No love triangle, but there is love LOL!!
Yes I know, I love vampire books! LOL!! So what?! Anyways, looks these up and give them a read! Lemme know what you think!!!!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Games for Husbands
Who has a gamer for a husband?! I do! My husband is always either on his iPod or the computer playing games. For about a year now he has been bugging me about getting a XBOX 360, so this year I bought him one for Father's Day and gave it to him early. He has been on it non stop!!! Him and his friend have been playing for over 4 hours already tonight. No, it doesn't bother me a bit. Really!! It doesn't!!! Ok...maybe just a tad bit! LOL!! But I'm glad he's having fun!! But I am also thankful that my husband doesn't sit EVERY day and ALL day playing his video games like some men do!! He still makes time for work and his family. Does your husband or significant other play too much video games?!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Video of My Family
This is a video of our life since our littlest, Kaysen, was born! After 2 miscarriages he has been such a blessing! We thank God every day for him and my oldest Aidyn! I wouldn't be the woman I am today if it weren't for my 2 boys! (and my husband of course lol) I love my family so much!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Breaking Dawn Part 1
I am SO excited!! Yes I am 23 years old and a total Twilight Geek!!! BUT I'm team Switzerland lol..I could never decide between Edward or Jacob!! I have read all 4 books as well! Who else is SOOOO excited??!!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
It Finally Happened!!
Today was an ordinary day. Got up, ate breakfast with the husband, watched a movie, went to the grocery store, laundry, cook dinner, etc. I also had a little meltdown this morning about my last post. Thankfully my husband was there to comfort me and tell me it will all be okay. :) I love him so much! Anyways, our little one Kaysen has been laughing little small laughs for a couple of months now but he will give his giggles and real laughs only to his Daddy!!! BUT today..while changing his diaper I was talking to him and out of nowhere he started giggling!!!! FOR ME! I was just talking to him normal but every time I said something he would giggle! OMG I am SO excited!!!!! Just wait til Daddy gets home and hears this! He's not Mr. BigShot anymore haha! :)
We're having a little war, we've been drilling "mama" and "dada" into his head haha...betting on which he says first! My oldest, Aidyn, said "dada" first so I'm hoping Kaysen says "mama" first!! Our luck he'll say something totally different first!! LOL!
What were your babies first word??
We're having a little war, we've been drilling "mama" and "dada" into his head haha...betting on which he says first! My oldest, Aidyn, said "dada" first so I'm hoping Kaysen says "mama" first!! Our luck he'll say something totally different first!! LOL!
What were your babies first word??
In Need Of More Adult Interaction
I am so tired of the only people I talk to during the day are my kids. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death!! BUT the only person other than them I talk to is my husband, and that's only a few hours a day. I have friends, correction, I had friends I talked to daily but that has changed. I've had 2 best friends that I saw practically daily, a married couple. The husband I started to only see rarely, the wife has lately stopped coming by or even really texting me. Every day I get dressed, not to go anywhere, but in hopes someone may actually knock on my door! But that never happens. I might as well stay in my pajamas.
Yes, I will take my kids to the park or the pool on occasion(its kind of hard with this heat)but I'm not the type to talk randomly to strangers.
How do you ladies make more friends? Or do y'all just still talk to your old high school friends?
Sometimes I just gotta say...FML. Which makes me feel selfish to say! I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful kids!! And I know lots of others have a lot less than I do, and have a harder life than I do. My problems seem to little compared to others, but I still feel upset about them.
Yes, I will take my kids to the park or the pool on occasion(its kind of hard with this heat)but I'm not the type to talk randomly to strangers.
How do you ladies make more friends? Or do y'all just still talk to your old high school friends?
Sometimes I just gotta say...FML. Which makes me feel selfish to say! I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful kids!! And I know lots of others have a lot less than I do, and have a harder life than I do. My problems seem to little compared to others, but I still feel upset about them.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I Miss The Old Tymes
I remember being a kid and being able to play outside without supervision, ride my bike all around town, stay out after dark, etc. Times sure have changed when it comes to our children. The weird thing is I miss the old times and wish my son could have the same kind of childhood, but I'm one of those parents who are a little over protective! I don't let my son go outside and dig in the dirt, I don't let him out of my sight, or climb trees like a monkey, etc. How is it that I feel one way and do the other?! I want my boys to have a wonderful childhood that they can look back to and laugh and smile like I do.
I took my boys to the pool yesterday and I was stressed the entire time!! Scared one of them were going to drown. My youngest is only 5 months old and when my husband would hold him I found myself constantly saying "Don't Drop Him!". My oldest is almost 6 and I still have him in floaties and clinging to the wall or myself. WOW!! Right? Am I going nuts or what?! When I was his age my older sister would just throw me into the pool and make me fend for myself. I would never do that to my son or advise anyone else do that to their kids, but that's how it was back then. You either swam or you didn't ever get in the pool.
I love my kids, I want them to be safe and grow up strong and healthy, and I want them to have a wonderful childhood. I need to work more on that! LOL!!!
New Car Seat Regulations
If you haven't heard here are the new car seat regulations!
Rear facing car seat-until baby is 2 years old!!!
Booster seat-until child is 4'9"!!
Can't be in front seat until age 13!
Wow these have changed a LOT since I was a kid! My husband doesn't like the idea of having our youngest son being in a rear facing car seat until the age of 2. I don't blame him but I will always go by what's safer for my children. I just don't like the idea that I can't see my child while in the car. It's so much easier if they're facing forward you can hand them things and talk to them easier, etc. (I'm talking as if I'm the passenger..not the driver)
Being in a booster seat until that height seems a little ridiculous because when a average child is that height they're between 8 and 12 years old! I can understand why the regulation is there though. Apparently if your child is too short for the seat, then the seat belt will be positioned on the tummy not the hip bone, and could crush their organs when in an accident. I just really don't like that I have to have 2 types of seats in my back seat when we have a small car. BUT like I said, I will always follow these regulations.
Being in the back seat until age 13, I also understand why they don't want them in the front seat until then because of the risk of being hurt by an air bag. BUT I remember being like 6 riding in the front seat as a child. My oldest son who will be 6 in October is CONSTANTLY bugging me to let him ride in the front. He just can't wait until that day I'll say yes! And again, of course I will make him wait until he's 13.
What are your opinions and thoughts on this subject?!
Rear facing car seat-until baby is 2 years old!!!
Booster seat-until child is 4'9"!!
Can't be in front seat until age 13!
Wow these have changed a LOT since I was a kid! My husband doesn't like the idea of having our youngest son being in a rear facing car seat until the age of 2. I don't blame him but I will always go by what's safer for my children. I just don't like the idea that I can't see my child while in the car. It's so much easier if they're facing forward you can hand them things and talk to them easier, etc. (I'm talking as if I'm the passenger..not the driver)
Being in a booster seat until that height seems a little ridiculous because when a average child is that height they're between 8 and 12 years old! I can understand why the regulation is there though. Apparently if your child is too short for the seat, then the seat belt will be positioned on the tummy not the hip bone, and could crush their organs when in an accident. I just really don't like that I have to have 2 types of seats in my back seat when we have a small car. BUT like I said, I will always follow these regulations.
Being in the back seat until age 13, I also understand why they don't want them in the front seat until then because of the risk of being hurt by an air bag. BUT I remember being like 6 riding in the front seat as a child. My oldest son who will be 6 in October is CONSTANTLY bugging me to let him ride in the front. He just can't wait until that day I'll say yes! And again, of course I will make him wait until he's 13.
What are your opinions and thoughts on this subject?!
Stage 1 Baby Food-Meats
Why in the world do they make baby food meats in a stage 1 jars?!!!! They say you shouldn't be feeding your baby meats until they're at least a year old. And it looks so nasty!!! Also it smells like cat food! Who wants to give that to their baby?! They should just take it off the shelves. I myself will wait to give him meats until he's closer to a years old, and it'll be meat that I've cooked myself. I actually make my own baby food anyways. I don't like the idea of giving my son jarred food that I have no idea what's really being put into it.
I would like for some people to give their opinion on these meats. Let us know if you give them to your child or not, if you think they look and smell nasty. Just give your opinion!!!! Also, if you make your own baby food as well and have some interesting recipes let me know! I always like to try new things!
I would like for some people to give their opinion on these meats. Let us know if you give them to your child or not, if you think they look and smell nasty. Just give your opinion!!!! Also, if you make your own baby food as well and have some interesting recipes let me know! I always like to try new things!
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