Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

Most people are not aware that October is the month to remember Pregnancy and Infant Loss. It's also the month for Breast Cancer Awareness, which is VERY important as well. But I have not seen this awareness on the news or tv anywhere. People should know this!!!! So I try to pass it on to people, I am blogging, texting, Facebooking, and Tweeting the picture out! 
I am a mother of two healthy baby boys. Everyone knows that, heck just look at my page haha! But not many people(only those close to me) know that I have had two painful and heart breaking miscarriages. One was almost a year after Aidyn was born, and the other was over a year before Kaysen was born. After those two miscarriages I was so worried I wouldn't be able to carry another child. I got pregnant with Kaysen and at one point I was told that I was going to miscarry again. But I put myself on bed rest, had many complications during the pregnant, but Kaysen is alive and well, he will be 2 years old in December! Honestly there isn't a day that goes by I don't catch myself thinking and wondering "What if those babies were born?" I still haven't figured out why they were taken from me but I know God must have had a purpose. I just tell myself that I need to trust in Him. 

I would like you to go over to the link I provided below. This is a blog that I'm sure many have seen. Kellie Staats and her husband lost their dear daughter Maddie on February 17, 2011 due to SIDS at just 4 months old. I had read her blog right after Kaysen had turned 4 months old(they're only bout 2 months apart in age) and I caught myself crying, then constantly checking on Kaysen while he was sleeping. But I was glad I read her story because it taught me so much about how I could prevent SIDS. I read through all of her tips on prevention and put them to use. I no longer kept stuffed toys in his crib, or blankets, and many other things. I would like everyone to send their prayers to Kellie and her husband, especially since Maddie's 2nd birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks. I know this time must be especially hard for them. Kellie, please know your family is always in our thoughts and prayers. 

If you would like more information on SIDS please visit her blog!!! And send her your love and prayers please. 
To anyone else who has lost a child, pregnancy, or infant I will be praying for you all! 
On October 15th I will have 4 candles lit. 2 for my two angels, 1 for Maddie, and 1 for the world's loss. 
I hope you all do the same. 